Get this Mother on an Airplane.

So I'm flying to Samoa in a few hours. I'm a mother of five children who doesn't get to travel very often. Because, these are the things that I'm excited about:

1. Walking through the departure zone very slowly. Meandering through Duty Free stores. ( Who cares if I can afford to buy anything or not.)Stopping at the Bendon shop so I can trail my fingers along the silk and lace, lustfully - like the lingerie whore admirer that I am.
2. Wearing my Grown Up, Independent, High Heeled Hot Woman shoes as I meander my way to the airplane. Because I don't have to carry one whiny toddler. Chase after one ADD 8yrold. Stamp my foot after two teenagers who want to walk far away from the rest of us because they are 'too cool' to hang with this old bag and her little kids.
3. Sitting on a plane for 4 hrs and watching my own movie on my own movie screen. Without refereeing the squabbling rabble as they fight over food, seats, movies and games. Eating my own food. Slowly. Like big people with no kids do.
4. Only going to the bathroom when I WANT TO. Not fifty million times to take that child who keeps inventing bathroom breaks because she wants to roam around the airplane, smiling at strangers, sticking her finger in their food, crying when someone says hi to her.
5.When the plane lands and we disembark, I will get my ONE suitcase and make my way through Customs. Without chasing children everywhere. Without telling them to shut up be quiet every 5 seconds because the whole world DOES NOT want to know that you have just pooped in your diaper thank you very much. 'But mum, it's yuckie!' So what. Just wait until we get through this line of a hundred sweaty people and then mum will change you. But mum it's so yuckie! Be quiet, life's yuckie! Just deal with it!

Yes, I am a woman who doesnt get to leave the house very often. I will be childless for four days. Oh the joy, the excitement, the bliss of it! Think of all the wonderful things I will be able to do WITHOUT this pack of feral creatures!

So how come, I'm sitting here crying. Sniffling. Missing my babies already. And I havent even left the house yet?!

Emma Watson with a friend leaving Sheperds Bush Empire in London yesterday

There were several sightings of Emma at the Edward Sharpe's gig last night. Here are the pictures of her leaving the concert.
Source: Eyeprime

Emma Watson at the airport [August, 28]

The 28th, Emma was spotted at the Venice airport in Italy leaving for London after spending a couple of days with her boyfriend Johnny Simmons. A person succeedeed to have a picture of Emma arriving home.

Credit: Twitter

Why you shouldn't talk about guns at church.

Have you got one of these at your house?
The Hot Man has been avidly watching the TV series “The Walking Dead.” So have I. I shut my eyes most of the time but I have this horrible fascination with a show that tells us in gory detail, what happens when the world is taken over by flesh eating zombies. I hate it but I have to watch it. Because I’m doing research. Because this could TOTALLY happen. And when it does, I want to be ready.

We Mormons are food and water hoarders. We are taught that every family must have a good supply of essentials for emergencies. (Like when you’ve spent half the food budget on a new dress and you don’t want the family to be forced to eat grass. That’s a dire emergency. Bust open the canned goods soldiers.) I love the principle of food storage. It’s just another confirmation for me that I must belong to a true church because it wants us to be practically prepared for anything and everything. Including the Zombie Apocalypse. (Okay, the Prophet never said to store food because of zombies, but I’m a clever woman and can fill in the significant gaps.)

Which is why, one Sunday in a lesson about ‘Principles of Effective Food Storage’ when the teacher asked, What else should we have in our storage? I waved my hand, eagerly. Yes, Sister Young?

“Lots of guns. And lots and lots of bullets.”

There was a silence. The kind that reeked of shock, overlaid with embarrassment. The teacher smiled at me kindly. Like you do at a small child who just said a bad word by accident. Um, and why would we need guns in our storage for?

Duh. Isn’t it obvious? “Because when the world falls apart, not everyone will have food storage. They will be desperate for stuff and they're going to do everything they can to steal your supplies. It's going to be a mad war zone out there. You need guns."

There was more silence. The heavily disapproving kind. The teacher didn't smile. "Sister Young, I'm sure that in a time of great disaster, we will be willing to share with those less fortunate than us because in such times, it's more important than ever to be charitable and loving."

Flame, crash and burn Lani...I shut up. But I'm sorry to say that I was unconvinced by the teacher's loving logic. Clearly she's not aware of the possibility of the Zombie Apocalypse. And she hasn't seen the vicious pushing and shoving that occurs when there's only one tray of brownies left at a crowded church dinner...

I'm not giving up on the guns. I'm selfish, cruel and uncharitable. Me and my canned goods are going straight to hell.

I hope they let me take my guns.

Miranda Kerr launching her new organic skin care range "Kora Organics" at David Jones City Store in Melbourne, Australia

Taylor Swift goes shopping at a flea market (Photos)

Taylor Swift goes shopping at a flea market on Sunday (August 28) in West Hollywood.

The 21-year-old country cutie took home an antique mirror she found at the market.

Source/Images: Justjjared

Healthy Tummy for a Sexy Belly

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery

The Ten Commandments...with the Coolest, Baddest Moses in cinematic history.

"What's adultery?" That's the million chocolate chip cookie question my child asked (very loudly) one nite during Family Home Evening. We were listening to Big Son give a lesson on "The Ten Commandments." And one of them is (just in case you forgot) - Thou shalt not commit adultery. So how do you explain the finer details of 'adultery' to a 7yr old that hasn't heard that beautiful 'birds and bees' talk yet? A 7yr old who still thinks that babies happen when "A mum and a dad love each other sooo much that God sends them the bestest present in the world - a baby like you!" Just like fluffy bunnies and chocolate eggs on Easter! And Santa stockings exploding with magical fun! Joy joy joy...yes, having a baby is just like that. Not.

The 7yr old was waiting for answers. Expectant and trusting. Because of course, we her parents are the fountains of all wisdom and knowledge. (Seeing as how she hasn't discovered Google yet.)

I looked at the Hot Man. Which was a waste of time because everyone knows that HE never tackles the earth-shattering stuff in this parenting duo. No, I always get stuck with the questions about periods, facial hair, hormones, sex, condoms, STD's, what does 'homosexual' mean?, girlfriends, love, and 'what should I do if a girl likes me but I don't like her?' The Hot Man shrugged his shoulders and gave me that look that said, 'Answer her! She's your child. This is what happens when you raise these kids to think they can ask us about everything. This is your fault!' No, I was on my own in this adulterous conversation.

I fumbled and stumbled but in a nutshell, I think this is what I said: "Getting married and having a family is very important to God. A mum and a dad need to love each other very much and always be nice. A dad should always make the mum first in everything. He should only ever ummm, hug and kiss the mum - no other girls anywhere. And same for the mum. She should only love the dad and hug and kiss him all the time."

The child looked puzzled. "But you can hug and kiss me, can't you?"

"Of course. We can always hug and kiss our children. But very special Big People hugs and kisses and...umm, other stuff, mums and dads have to save for each other, nobody else."

I was getting a headache trying to navigate these muddy waters of Biblical definitions. And I was wishing that I had just given her the easy, cop-out answer: 'You're too little to understand adultery. When you grow big,I'll tell you what it means.Now go eat a cookie.'

But the lights came on in the 7yr old's inquisitive brain. "Aaah, I see!"

Whew, what a relief. "You do?"

"Yes." She turned to her father. "Whenever you go somewhere and if you see another lady and you feel like kissing her - then you have to run home really fast and kiss mum. Then you won't commit adultery.Okay?"

Her father nodded. What else could he do?

As further affirmation that yes, she had understood the evenings lesson, the 7yr old offered to say the closing prayer and included this very important request: 'Please Heavenly Father, bless my dad so that he will never commit adultery but always remember to run home and kiss mum. Amen.'

Amen, indeed. I was quite pleased with myself and my amazing teaching skills. My ability to dispense spiritual nuggets of deep learning to my child. Damn, I'm clever.

Except the Hot Man was a bit disgruntled. "How come she only prayed for ME not to commit adultery, huh?!"

I smiled sweetly. "Darling, children are more spiritually in tune than we are and know what we need. Now, you just remember, next time you see anyone vaguely attractive - you have to run home and kiss me right away."

Ha. Damn, I'm clever!
Charlton Heston made Moses hot. Now remember, if you see anyone vaguely attractive, you have to run home and kiss your partner right away.

Emma Watson in Madame Figaro - New French interview


TRANSLATION WATSONUNCENSORED, credit us please if you use it.


• She admires women and actresses like Kate Winslet, Penélope Cruzn and Julia Roberts

• Places that she loves in Paris: Café de Flore, the bookstore Shakespeare and Company.

• She often comes to Paris where she still has family and friends in Paris. She lived in the Marais, at Maisons-Laffitte until 5. Everybody is French in her mom's side so she spoke English and French as a child but forgot all her French.

• She loves to shop at Isabel Marant, A.P.C., Agnès B, Chloé when in Paris and also loves Ladurée's macarons.

• In England she lives on the North of London alone, waiting for a friend to come living with her (the friend is a girl by the way, not Johnny ;p) but she spends lots of time in Oxford with her mom.

• She'll begin her third year of university in England for her Master of English history and literature.

• Her favourite writers are William Blake, T.S. Eliot, Keats, Shelley, the Brontë sisters and Jane Austen.

• About the new roles she's playing, she's saying Sam (in The Perks of Being a Wallflower is very far from her own personality, that it was difficult to play. About playing with Kenneth Branagh and Michelle Willianms in My Week with Marilyn she says that it brought her in a very adult univers.

• She says Marilyn Monroe is not a model for her, that she feels closer to natural actresses like Natalie Portman and especially Julia Roberts.

• She's extremely shy but would love to work with Darren Aronofsky or Baz Luhrmann.

• She would love to write.

New picture of Emma Watson by Tom Munro

Merci Julie

Paris Hilton At Petra Ecclestone’s Wedding Rehearsal Dinner