Emma Watson in Madame Figaro - New French interview

Source: Emma-Watson.net

TRANSLATION WATSONUNCENSORED, credit us please if you use it.


• She admires women and actresses like Kate Winslet, Penélope Cruzn and Julia Roberts

• Places that she loves in Paris: Café de Flore, the bookstore Shakespeare and Company.

• She often comes to Paris where she still has family and friends in Paris. She lived in the Marais, at Maisons-Laffitte until 5. Everybody is French in her mom's side so she spoke English and French as a child but forgot all her French.

• She loves to shop at Isabel Marant, A.P.C., Agnès B, Chloé when in Paris and also loves Ladurée's macarons.

• In England she lives on the North of London alone, waiting for a friend to come living with her (the friend is a girl by the way, not Johnny ;p) but she spends lots of time in Oxford with her mom.

• She'll begin her third year of university in England for her Master of English history and literature.

• Her favourite writers are William Blake, T.S. Eliot, Keats, Shelley, the Brontë sisters and Jane Austen.

• About the new roles she's playing, she's saying Sam (in The Perks of Being a Wallflower is very far from her own personality, that it was difficult to play. About playing with Kenneth Branagh and Michelle Willianms in My Week with Marilyn she says that it brought her in a very adult univers.

• She says Marilyn Monroe is not a model for her, that she feels closer to natural actresses like Natalie Portman and especially Julia Roberts.

• She's extremely shy but would love to work with Darren Aronofsky or Baz Luhrmann.

• She would love to write.