"No, I'm not Dead" and other Announcements

1. Thank you to everyone who entered the Telesa T.shirt giveaway last week. The winners are:
* Joan Harvey, Australia
* Samasoni

Please email me at LaniWendtYoung@hotmail.com with a postal address where your shirts can be sent to.

2. There is another T.Shirt giveaway currently underway via the Telesa Trilogy Fan page on Facebook. Everyone who puts up a book review on Amazon will be in the draw to win one of TWO Telesa t.shirts. Contest closes on Jan 12th.  A similar giveaway is taking place for Smashwords Telesa reviewers, for ONE Telesa t.shirt. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to write a review thus far. (I love reading them, by the way. Still can't believe people actually want to read my book AND say nice things about it!)

3. I am chasing the deadline for release of the second book in the series, 'When Water Burns.' To make sure it happens, I will be cutting down on blogging so I can focus more on writing, so there may be fewer rants and raves from me on Sleepless in Samoa in the next few weeks. Similar cut downs are taking place on Facebook and Twitter. ( Because I am a compulsive obsessive tweeter and I need help...and we all know the first step to recovery is admitting one has a problem...sigh.) Indeed, my children have threatened to 'lock you in your room all day and not let you out until you hit your word count goal...' (they say it's because they love me and want to help me achieve my writing goals, but I have my doubts. They looked really gleeful when they said it...) So if it gets a little quiet around here, no, I'm not dead.

4. A huge thank you to those who are helping to arrange TELESA launches/book visits in Wellington and Brisbane, Australia in the coming months. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to meet new readers and bloggers that I have only 'met' thus far here on the Net.
  * Wellington - 17th March, 2011. Dept of Pacific Studies, Victoria University. Thank you Teresia Teaiwa and your team.
  * Brisbane, Aust - April. Date TBA. Thank you Daphne Reupena, Alice Burgess and your team. I love the program you have planned that includes visits to high schools, book signings and the chance to meet super awesome Telesa book readers.
If you have suggestions about a Telesa Author visit to your area, I would love to hear from you!