Fantasy Realization

Everybody has those daydream fantasies when you're a kid growing up. No, not the ones where Han Solo knocks on your door and says, 'I've been searching the galaxy for you, come let us fly away into hyperspace together...' NO. I mean the fantasies where you think about what you want to be 'when you grow up' and then imagine the moments, the specific milestones that will indicate that yes, you've made it. Your dream really is coming true...

As a fanciful kid/teenager,  I used to daydream about being a real author and there were several different milestones that were included in those hazy fantasies. Like, Steven Spielberg calling to ask me if he could make a movie of my book and would I please allow his good friend Han Solo to whisk me away on a spaceship at hyperspeed? Another author daydream- walking into a bookstore and seeing my book on the shelf. (Harrison Ford's glorious presence was optional for full fantasy realization.)  Or having real, live human beings wanting my signature on a book. ( I couldn't decide then whether to sign Mrs Harrison Ford or to be Ms Wendt Ford...)

Another favorite daydream, would be when sitting in a (boring) English class or University lecture listening to a (boring) Professor drone on about some (boring) classic book...and thinking, 'Wow, wouldn't it be cool if one day students in a University somewhere, sat in a lecture about MY book? And hopefully it wouldnt be boring...'  Yes, that would definitely be a sign to me that I had MADE it as an author. Because even if the entire lecture theater hated the book to bits, the fact that my book would be considered decent enough to force literature students to read it...well that would almost be as cool as a hyperspace holiday with Han Solo.

Hyper-jump forward twenty years and one of my author daydreams has come true. Dr Selina Tusitala Marsh has included TELESA in a second stage Pacific Literature paper at Auckland University. In a few months, lit students will be forced to read my book. Forced to critically analyze and discuss Leila's story (and Daniel's glistening abs.) I am thrilled to bits with this news. Thank you so much Dr Selina. I am celebrating with Diet Coke and Doritos.

Now, just hanging out for that phone call from Steven....or Harrison Ford.