Emma Watson in COSMO China - New interview

Emma Watson µùÂզܴ ê COSMO& FASHION FEBRUARY 2012Emma Watson µùÂզܴ ê COSMO& FASHION FEBRUARY 2012Emma Watson µùÂզܴ ê COSMO& FASHION FEBRUARY 2012Emma Watson µùÂզܴ ê COSMO& FASHION FEBRUARY 2012

NOTE: Parts that are in Italics are parts that i add in.

Not too long ago, Emma Watson went to Hong Kong as Lancome’s international ambassador, and had an exclusive interview with . This is her first interview with an Asian media. Despite the questions were more than ten, Emma was especially attentive.


COSMO: What does it mean for you to be the ambassador for Lancome?
Emma Watson: I feel very, very honoured. I have always been an admirer of the brand Lancome. In my opinion, Lancome holds a spirit that many females looks forward to. Of course, these are also the female attractiveness that i absolutely agree with; romantic, elegance, fashion, modern. Lancome is filled with French feelings, yet holds infinite creativity and ability to start something (Note: i am not sure on the “ability to start something” part.). I feel really honoured to be able to work with Lancome.


COSMO: What fragrance do you like?
Emma Watson: Flower fragrance is my favourite, it feels me with positive energy. For example, Jasmine, Rose and so on. Currently, i really love Lancome’s Tresor Midnight Rose. This is a perfume made from flowers and fruits, which is sweet and warm. And i am really glad/happy that i participated in the design of this perfume, especially when i choose the colour of this bottle of perfume.


COSMO: You were born in Paris, and you have to return to your birth place to film Lancome’s perfume advertisement. How does it feel like? What is the characteristic that is the “most Paris” and “most London” that you have?
Emma Watson: Wah. The feeling was great. I was born in Paris, but was brought up in London. I love both cities. London’s street life and events are very interesting, There is endless energy and it is very lively. Paris is very romantic. When i return to Paris, there is this nostalgic feeling that i have, the Café de Flore, bookshop and Seine River that i like have all appeared in the advertisement. I feel that i have the bubbly and interesting part of London and the romantic aspect of Paris.


COSMO: There are many girls that are of the same age as you that will follow your looks to set the look. For example, Emma has cutted her hair to become short and wore a black hat, with very red lipstick. They will go and imitate. What fashion advice do you have for girls of your age?
Emma Watson: I think that as long as you maintain your sense of humor, and creativity, you will be able to have fashion sense. The main factor in choosing what to wear is that it must make yourself comfortable, which can let yourself be relaxed. When you are comfortable, this will being on a happy/positive feeling. These are all the fashion sense from myself.


COSMO: is a movie that is loved by many China girls. Many girls treat love as life, and are easily drowned in it. What about you? Are you a romance idealist, or do you treat it with caution? (Note: I am not sure on the romance idealist part. I just direct translated it.)
Emma Watson: I think that love itself is something that is very hard to be controlled. It will be arriving when you least expect it. So, you should not be finding love, you just have to prepare yourself, and be prepared to accept love’s visit at any time. But i think that having true friendship is very, very important. Sometimes, it is even more important than love.


COSMO: What do you normally think about while on the red carpet? Will you be afraid or scared?
Emma Watson: It is rather interesting to be speaking about it. Normally while i am walking the red carpet, my brain will be in a “stoning” mood, this is a very strange feeling. Of course, i will also feel a bit of anxiety. Honestly speaking, the cheering that never ends, crowded crowds, and such scenes will make you feel different, but i will usually focus on saying hello to the fans and try to answer the media’s question.


COSMO: Whenever you are on the red carpet or television, you are always filled with energy. Is there any secrets that you can share with everyone?
Emma Watson: Haha, thank you for the compliments. I think that being confident is very important. It is only when you are confident, then you can make yourself look more charming, and emit more charm. Of course, i like to spray some perfume before all the events, so that the scent that i like would be surrounding me. This will make me very confident.


COSMO: What do you think that woman should chase after and insist on?
Emma Watson: Wah. This is such a big question. I think that it is very important if you know what you want, understand where you are heading towards, and try your best to get it. It is only when we use our hearts to do it, and fall in love with what we are doing, then can we really get real determination. So, you have to find your spiritual garden, and do your best to catch it! (Note: I directly translated the spiritual garden part. I think she meant we have to find something to fight for?)


COSMO: If you have a chance to experience being a female for 24 hours, who do you hope she will be?
Emma Watson: If i really have a chance to become another person, even if it is only a for a day, i think she will definitely be the Queen of England! (Emma turns to talk to her manager, “Are my thoughts too weird?” Her manager said, “No ah. I think that if you are the Queen of England, you will be a very kind and successful queen!” ) Haha. I want to experience what a queen will experience, and what she will do, or how does it feels like to go out with a prince. My guess is that it will be very interesting.


COSMO: What if you have a chance to be a guy?
Emma Watson: Russell Brand! I think that he is very interesting. Filled with humor, and usually, i am someone who hopes to make everyone very happy. I also hope to do some things that are very different from myself, very insane things occasionally. So, if i can, i will want to experience his life.


COSMO: If you can go back to the past, and change one thing, what would you hope to change?
Emma Watson: If i can really go back to the past, i will not make any changes to my past. This is because i strongly believe that what mistakes we made are our valuable assets. People will learn a lot from their mistakes and keep moving forward.


COSMO: What kind of guys do you have no immunity to?
Emma Watson: I do not give myself a fixed type, but he must be able to make me laugh, and be filled with humor/have a sense of humor, this is very important.


COSMO: What kind of woman do you think would be more charming?
Emma Watson: A woman who is strong (as in mentally, not physically), loyal, and have wisdom/wit. I will think that she will be very attractive.


COSMO: What qualities of a thing in the natural world do you think that you are the same as or similar to? For example, a kind of cloth, a kind of drink, a drawing? An animal?
Emma Watson: Cat! I really like cats. I think that i am alike the cat’s characteristics. Anyway, it is cat, all kinds of cat.


COSMO: If you have to be a guest editor of one issue of COSMO, what kind of theme and what would you share to girls of your age?
Emma Watson: Wah! If i really get such a rare chance, i will definitely want to share with girls the beauty that comes within. Often, it is the beauty that comes from within in fashion.


COSMO: Who would you like to have dinner the most?
Emma Watson: Shakespeare, i think that he is too mysterious. He wrote so many great works, but we know very little about him and his life. I would really like to know where does he get so much inspiration in order to write such interesting works.


COSMO: Did/Do you want to grow up very fast? Or did you not? Why?
Emma Watson: My thoughts are that i want to live in the moment. Not anxious to grow up, and not afraid to grow up, but anything will not be passed/done in a very fast manner, and live under the moment properly.


COSMO: What is your career dream? Is there any actors or directors that you really want to work with? Are there any roles that you especially want to act?
Emma: I really want to work with Baz Luhrmann、Guillermo Del Toro、Richard Curtis and Darren Aronofsky these directors. In terms of actors, i hope to act with Philip Seymour Hoffman and James McAvoy. I also like Cate Blanchett and Helen Mirren. I especially hope to be able to act out Shakespeare’s works, to act as Juliet or Ophelia.
Thanks to Jenny Demon for the scans and interview.
Translation credit to Tumblr