And the Winner is...

ML2ENAY. Thank you to everyone who uploaded a review of TELESA:The Covenant Keeper on either Amazon or Smashwords by the Monday deadline. You rock! I appreciate your ongoing support and encouragement. Today we put all your names into this very special magic box. ( Otherwise known as Bella's Toy Blocks Box)
If you posted a review on BOTH Amazon and Smashwords, then your name was entered twice. Then we shook it all up and asked the Princess Bella Beast Fairy to please take a break from her ballet dancing...Pretty Please!
Bella picked out a name and the winner of the Pacific Design bed set from Plantation House ( you choose the color) is....
Amazon Reviewer: ML2ENAY ! Yaaay! Please email me at within 48 hrs or else I will ask Bella to choose another name from the magic toy box.

Book reviews are the life's blood for an author - and they dont have to be five star ones either! The more reviews a book gets on Amazon etc, then the more other browsing readers are encouraged to try it. As a first time fiction novelist, I know that buying my book is like taking a leap of faith on your part - I mean, heck what if it totally sucks right?! Every time someone takes that leap and purchases my book, I am humbled by your willingness to give my fiction writing a chance. Thank you. And then when you make the time to write a review? I am thrilled with your support. Thank you again. I hope you will continue to spread the word about the TELESA series and we will be hosting another reviewer giveaway very soon...

Thank you for helping this blog hit a record 18,000 visits last month. My YA urban fantasy romance Telesa:The Covenant Keeper is  avail. from Amazon. I invite you to check out the reviews and see if this is a fire you want to get in on...
                                               EBook - $5.99      Print Book - $14.95