Why do YOU Love Samoa?

Telesā:The Covenant Keeper is set in present day Samoa. An island nation in the South Pacific where I was born and educated, and where until recently, I was raising my five children. We've been living in New Zealand for 9 months now and while we like our new Kiwi home, being away from Samoa has made me appreciate my homeland so much more. As we celebrate the launch of the Telesā book, we pay tribute to Samoa, the "Treasured Islands of the Pacific" with an I LOVE SAMOA day.

Tell us one reason why YOU love Samoa and you could win one of many stunning gifts from the Pacific's leading design store, Plantation House that are up for grabs in the next 24 hrs. The more people who join the fun with their LOVE SAMOA feedback, the more prizes I will give away. How to enter?

1. Leave a comment on this blog. Tell us ONE thing you love about Samoa. = + 1 entry
2. Click LIKE and leave a comment on the LaniWYoung FaceBook page, telling ONE thing you love abt Samoa = +1entry
3. Follow me on Twitter  and tweet ONE reason using hashtag #ILoveSamoa  = +1 entry
4. Leave a comment AND a link to an example of what you love about Samoa on any of the above and you get a DOUBLE entry. (Eg can be a photo or a website link.) = 2 entries
And in case you've never been to Plantation House, here's a peek at the kinds of gifts they have to offer.