This One's For YOU.

I love Awesome Blog Readers!

I've officially reached 100 blog followers and hit 245 blogposts - and I wanted to thank all those who continue to support my blogging efforts with your visits, engaging comments and encouraging feedback. I know that many of you have shared Sleepless links and recommended this blog to your family and friends, thus making it a much more fun-filled experience for me to hang out here in the blogosphere as I have made so many new friends. Many of you are bloggers yourselves and I continue to learn from your writing (and I keep running to try and catch up with your blog-wonderfulness.)

Writing can be such a solitary activity and so the community found in blogging is something that I truly enjoy. Whether you are an out of the closet FOLLOWER of this blog or a LURKING regular visitor, please know that I appreciate you!

I especially want to send out a HUGE Sleepless in Samoa THANK YOU to the person who's site is the largest individual director of blog traffic to my blog: Fotu who blogs at the Faikakala Blogspot

Fotu's blog was the first Samoan woman's blog that I ever read, waaaay back when I was just finding out what "blogging" was. I read through it and was in awe. She's a captivating writer who expresses herself so honestly and fearlessly that I continue to hold her as one of my blogging role models. Thank you Fotu - for great writing and for being so generous with your support of my own blogging efforts.

I look forward to at least 240 more Sleepless in Samoa posts AND maybe even another hundred followers in the year to come...

Bloggers, why do you blog? Who was a blog inspiration for you? Readers, why do you read blogs? What keeps you going back to your favorites?