Exploding Fireworks of Love

So eighteen years ago, I met the Hot Man. (At a party in a garden. There was music. Moonlight.Stars.And fireworks of love exploding all around. You get the picture right?) Two weeks later, the Hot Man asked me to marry him. I dont know who was crazier/dumber. The person who did the asking. Or the person who did the breathless screaming and saying Yes. Of course my parents hoped our love would die a natural teenage love death. But ten months later, me and the Hot Man got married. (In a garden. There was music.Moonlight. Stars. More fireworks of love.) That was a long time ago. And we are still married. And we have allowed five children to join us in the whole 'exploding fireworks of love' fest.

So what's my point here? My point is, that it is possible to make life changing decisions based on only two weeks worth of consideration. Which is why, it is a mystery to me, WHY agents and publishers can't read a damn query or manuscript and make a decision if they want it or not - within a few days/weeks/months of receiving it.

I'm witching about this because a really fabulous gi-normous world domination type publishing company, checked out one of my queries, asked for the whole manuscript and keeps telling me to "please wait a little longer while we get to it/make up our minds." That was six months ago. I send polite little emails asking if they're through yet and they keep replying right away, very politely,"Sorry, we're not done yet." Just put me out of my misery already. I can handle it. I've seen that movie, "He's Just not Into You". If I can decide who I want to spend the rest of my life with in only TWO weeks, then something as flimsy and paltry as a book publishing decision should be a no-brainer. The editors need to borrow a line from Nike and Just Do It. It's like falling in love. Either you do. Or you dont. We can't force it. Or wait around for it.

I am so over it already. I've decided. I'm withdrawing that particular manuscript and taking it to a party of my own making. Where there will be moonlight. Stars. And exploding fireworks of love.

I hope you will all join me when this party gets started in November 2011. (Fiery, fabulous invitations to follow shortly...)

And I'll let you all in on a little secret. This particular book? It's almost as hot as the Hot Man...and just as fun to be with.