Emma Watson moving in with Johnny Simmons and dishing beauty to Allure

If you want to impress a bloke, don't move him in with your parents in the early days of the relationship.

The actress and her American boyfriend Johnny Simmons are living on the top floor of her dad's North London gaff.

The Harry Potter star is shacked up with the actor in the posh attic rooms of the £2million home while he gets to know her family.

It's not quite a bedroom under the stairs but it's close.

A source said: "Things are getting pretty serious between Emma and Johnny so she wanted to take him back to London to meet her parents.

"They've been having a brilliant time together. Emma knows the city like the back of her hand so is a great person to show him around.

"They've done loads of tourist spots but she has also been taking him to a few flea markets and some great local pubs.

"They've been taking bikes or eco-cars to every tourist trap in the capital, including the London Eye, Big Ben and St Paul's Cathedral."

Surely she has taken him to Platform Nine-And-Three-Quarters at King's Cross Station?

But it might be a bit too early to take him up the Oxo Tower.
Source: The Sun

Remember that this is The Sun so it's not reliable at all.

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Emma Watson has practically grown up in front of the camera so when we chatted with her for our September issue (on stands now), we had the gorgeous actress and new face of Lancôme take us on a trip down memory lane. We discussed everything from the best makeup tips she's picked up along the way to her boldest beauty move—her pixie haircut.

What made you decide to cut your hair? "Well, I had the same hair for 10 years when I was doing [Harry] Potter, and it was the first opportunity I had to cut it, so I figured, if I was going to cut it, I might as well, you know, really go for it."

Were you nervous before you chopped it? "No, I was very calm, actually. It was something I wanted to do for a while. When I had long hair I actually liked wearing it back more than I liked wearing it down, so I guess it makes sense that I have short hair because I always liked it off my face."

What's your favorite beauty product? "I love blusher and mascara. They always makes me feel good. And I'm very religious about cleaning my face and taking my makeup off before I go to bed."

Do you have a favorite makeup tip? "If you make a mistake with your mascara or your eyeliner, you dip a cotton bud in foundation, then use it to take the line off—not only does it clean where you have made the mistake, but it also replaces the makeup. That was from [makeup artist] Linda Cantello. Before I put on my mascara, I wet my eyelashes a bit. It makes the mascara go on better and smoother. And putting on your foundation right when you get out of the bath means that it soaks in and is a bit more natural, not so heavy."

Who are your beauty icons? "I think Kate Bosworth and Diane Kruger always have great makeup."

Red lips or smoky eyes? "I love both. It just depends on my mood. I had never done both before, but for the [Lancôme fragrance] ad I had a very strong bright pink lip and a strongish eye. That was new for me."
Source: Allure