Emma Watson and Johnny Simmons's adventure in Paris

Les francophones, vous pouvez l'écoutez ICI

I'm going to translate the story for those who don't understand French:
A man was hired to take care of Emma and Johnny for a day in Paris (showing them the city, driving them where they wanted...). And at a moment they wanted to put a padlock on the Ponts des Arts (it's a tradition of lovers who lock a padlock to the bridge for their love to last). Problem: they didn't have a padlock and it was late so the driver decided to drive them to Monoprix (cheap shop) and proposed them to go buy them himself a padlock so they wouldn't be bothered. But they say they would go too. So they went, apparently the reaction of people inside the shop was fun, Emma took pictures of a couple of clothes she found nice and they bought the padlock.

The man said Emma and Johnny seemed so in love that it was touching.

If you take the translation, PLEASE credit Watsonuncensored.