Don't Let Anybody Touch your 'Special Place.'

I'm a parent who believes in teaching my children about their bodies from an early age. I use the correct terminology for their bits and pieces and I'm always emphasizing that their bodies belong to them. Their bodies are sacred and beautiful and nobody else has the right to touch them or make them do anything with their bodies that they don't want to.

Most days, I think I've done rather well with the whole 'talk to your kids about their bodies and sex' thing. If you don't count the time my then-4yr old farewelled her Dad who was leaving the house for work.

"Dada, don't let anybody touch your vagina okay? It's special and it belongs to you. Don't let anybody touch your special place, okay?!"

"Umm, okay. I won't. Thank you for the reminder."

Husband escapes and runs off to work, but first tells me off for messing with our daughter's mind and confusing her. Alright, so I may not have been as CLEAR as I could have been, sorry!

So yes, I know firsthand that the waters of health and sex education for children can be fraught with many mis-communication hiccups and hazards. How do you tackle the issue with young children? How do you WISH that your parents had tackled it with YOU?