Does Your Family read your Blog?

Lani Wendt Young has been blogging long enough now that just about everything that happens in my life makes my eyes narrow, my bloggerbrain train wheels chug, and KaChing! I have an idea for a new blog post.

Which means, my husband now prefaces things with..."Dont you dare blog about THIS, okay?! And my teenagers come home from school and ask me suspiciously, Did you blog about me? And I have to put on that super innocent Silence of the Lambs face and say, "Who me? Nooo. Why?" Because my friends were laughing and talking about something they read on your blog, what did you say? "Umm, nothing...I think." Yes, sometimes I get chastened and censored. Forbidden to mention unmentionable things.

Other times, my family are proud of my blogging efforts and give me suggestions. They say, "Hey mum you should blog about this..." One of my alltime fave posts (and biggest hitters) Who's the Idiot was actually prompted by the Hot Man who couldnt stop laughing at my gas station idiocy and said, "If I had a blog, I'd definitely blog about this."

I'm very relieved though that the Hot Man doesnt have a blog. Goodness only knows what he would say on there about me. I'm also even more relieved that he doesn't read mine. Which is why I can get away with talking about him...all the time. And even posting pics of him in "Hungry for Men".

So today's million chocolate chip cookie question is: If you blog, does your family read it? How does your partner/husband feel about your blog?Your children? If you are a Samoan blogger then the other key question would have to be - Do your parents know you blog? Your hundreds of aunties and uncles and third cousins and their cousins? Have they read it? How do you cope with blogging honestly and provocatively with your family breathing over your shoulder?