Bad Mothers Run Away

I'm leaving...on a jet plane. Dont know when I'll be back again. Baby, I can't stay...

Sometimes I want to run away from my children. Especially after a week like this one when sick children haven't been able to go to school and I've been stuck with them all day. All night. No, they're not sick enough to go to the hospital. Not sick enough to knock on deaths door. Not sick enough to lie in bed and sleep all day. No. They are just sick enough that any mother with a few drops of the milk of human kindness in them - would not feel right booting them out the door.(and yes, I totally meant to slip in that sly reference to Lady Macbeth, the most bad-ass mutha of all time.)

Instead half-sick children stay at home and they want to read stories with me, squabble over the cartoon channels, fight about who got the highest score on Xbox Kinnect, turn their rooms upside down, snack constantly and generally use up all the air with my name on it. Yes, when they stay home I am slowly but surely driven to desperation and I think about buying a one-way ticket to Hullabaloo. Never heard of it? Neither have I. Which means my kids won't ever find me there.

So when every child was finally healthy enough to go to school again? I rejoiced. I happily prepared lunches and searched for errant uniforms. I was even singing. 'Oh happy day!'

And then the Princess stopped me mid-song. "Poor mum. You must be so lonely when we all go to school. I'm sorry we're all leaving you at home. You must miss us so much."

Umm. Yes totally. Miserable. Gutted. Wracked with despair.