More informations about Emma Watson going to Worcester College in Oxford in the fall

Emma Watson has confirmed that she will spend the next year academic year at Oxford. She will return to Brown to finish her degree.

The 21 year old has accepted an offer from Worcester College, which she will use to gain credits towards her English Literature degree at the Ivy League institution. Brown requires students to complete just four semesters in residence, leaving Watson free to study some of her required 30 courses here.

In response to speculation that she had abandoned her Brown course, Watson gave an interview to ‘The Virginia Pilot,’ stating, “I’m still a student at Brown. It’s just that I’ll spend my third year abroad – at Oxford. Then I’ll return to complete my last year.” This is a relatively common practice for American students, with Worcester alone accepting 15 visiting students each academic year.

The actress will have full access to University resources, including the Bodleian libraries, but it is unclear if she will attend lectures.

A Worcester official refused to comment on the nature of her course. An inside source stated that her fame had not been considered when she was offered a place, and it had been solely a matter of previous academic achievement.

Watson will be a full member of Worcester JCR and has been assigned College Parents.
Source: Cherwell