IronicMom She has twins, she teaches Middle School, she blogs and she's funny. Here she shares her strategy for when yr kids REEALLY want a pet... "I dont want a pet because I dont want more work, I've already taught two kids not to pee on the floor, been there done that..."
Transmissions from Baby This man blogger is relatively new to fatherhood and his tales are savagely, riproaringly enjoyable. " what they never tell you as you’re building a crib or painting a nursery or buying a small desert island comprising a hundred boxes of Pampers Swaddlers is this: You’re building the walls of your own prison. And the baby, the baby is the warden. Oh, he’s a cherub-cheeked warden, all right. He’s cute. Chipmunk cheeks packing love and adorability the way real chipmunks store acorns. But don’t misunderstand. He’ll run you ragged. He’ll punish you when you least expect it. And you can’t predict it..."
Over at NotesfromtheTwilightZone new blogger Anna writes a moving farewell to a familiar piece of baby history..."For the first time I filled you with formula and prayed to whoever was listening that I wasn’t the world’s worst mother for resorting to formula in order to save my sanity and loosen the superwoman cape that was threatening to strangle me, ping! gone."
Faikakala Always love Fotu's blog ( even though she's been far tooooooo busy lately to update it regularly. We'll excuse her. New baby ya know!) She's discovering the very new joys and extreme tiredness of motherhood - and blogging exquisitely beautifully about it.
Natasha Badhwar imparts advice that is a breath of fresh air. "Be inefficient. Dont try to do everything yourself. No one helps the super efficient...Cry freely. Crying is highly underrated in this area of work..." Read the entire piece and then just breathe. Pause. And ponder on what Natasha's 5 yr old confided, "People have children so they can learn funny things."
Vern at RabbitintheHeadlights tried to throw out some her daughters "treasures". Bad move. Very baaaaaad move. Have you ever tried to get between a child and their
Man blogger Amu Uso shares a day spent with "his gift from God." A reminder that it really is the simple things that matter. When we take the time to appreciate them.
BecauseIreallycantgetenoughofmyself A fellow (crazy) mom called Melissa congratulates herself on Mothers Day. She murders household appliances. Yells at her children. Dreams of setting the house on fire because theres some TRULY hot firemen in the neighborhood. I love this woman's blog. Go read it. Right now.
Hope you enjoy! Happy reading and patient parenting...