July Winners of the TELESA giveaway

Hi everyone,

Thank you to all those who participated in the discussion on "What Makes a Book Culturally Offensive?" Your thoughts went a long way to helping me make sense of my own concerns in this area as I look towards the launching of the TELESA series later this year. The winners of a sneak peek at the first three chapters of TELESA: The Covenant Keeper are -

*Jo An
*Lupe Smith

Please send me an email address and I will send out your chapters. (My fingers are crossed that you wont find them offensive in any way, shape of form. Rather, Im hoping and praying that you will fall in love with the characters immediately and begin dreaming up ways that you can hack into my computer and steal the rest of the book. Or stalk the printer and pilfer books as they roll of the printing line..Oh, and a reminder, I met Daniel first so that means I get to be slightly possessive of him...HE'S MINE! LOL)