Etiquette Tip for Newly Published First Time Authors.

Tip One

Do not stalk your book in bookshops. Don't loiter in store aisles pretending to ponder the mysteries of the Oxford Dictionary because you're really waiting to see a customer pick up a copy of your book, read the back blurb. And then (o wonder of wonders!) open the cover and begin to read! And then...(be still my beating, racing heart) take your book to the counter to purchase it! (Be aware that fainting/breathlessness/panic attacks and even vomiting are all real possibilities at this time) It also goes without saying, that when you see someone willing to exchange money for your book, you should NOT scream, run up to the lucky customer, embrace them, kiss their feet and promise to give them your first born child. They've just bought your book. Not donated you an organ.

Disclaimer: The Etiquette Tips for Newly Published First Time Authors are not based on this writer's personal experience. At all. No. This writer was never so uncouth or uncool to actually need such tips. Ever.Ever.