Words to Live For.

The Nicest Things my Children have ever said to me.

1. I love you more than all the rubbish in the world.
2. You're not fat mum. You're snuggly.
3. You're the most beautiful mum in the world. Can I have some more dessert please?
4. I read your book and I forgot that you had written it. I thought it was a real book by a real writer!
5. My friends all think you're really cool. I dont know why.
6. Don't worry mum. Its okay. You cant be good at everything. (after I came last in a funrun.)
7. You look so pretty when you wear your glasses. Because then your eyes dont get lost in your forehead. (Huh?)
8. Do you want me to hold your hand and pull you across the finish line? (From a 5yr old.)
9. I love you mum. I'm never going to take you back to the Mummy Shop to get a different one.
10. You make the best food in the world. Almost as good as McDonalds!

And the most satisfying thing? The words i LIVE for?

"You were right Mum."