What books are in your Bomb Shelter?

I idolize Laura Ingalls Wilder.

I just hooked up with a neat book review blog called 'Starting the Next Chapter.' And while Im trying to figure out how to put a blog link into this post (since I'm a witless nitwit when it comes to techno stuff) I thought i would take on one of her book questions...

What TEN books would you store in your bomb shelter with you? (In anticipation of the collapse of the world as we know it.)

1. My scriptures. (And Im not just saying that because my kids might read this post.)
2. Twilight - the super sized edition of the whole series.
3. Harry Potter
4. Sophie Kinsella's 'Shopaholic' series
5. The Narnia series.
6. The Little House on the Prairie. (Because nobody does wilderness survival quite like Laura Ingalls Wilder.)
7. Marianne Keyes - 'Is anybody out there?'
8. Feist and Wurts - 'Servant of the Empire'
9. Something steamy by Norah Roberts. (For when I needed to take a break from the doom and gloom of the post-apocalyptic world and get some thrills.)
10. Macbeth.

So tell us - what books would YOU take into your bomb shelter with you? And while youre puzzling on it, check out Marla's blog at the following link.