We Have a Winner! Or Two.

Its the end of the craziest month of the year ( when all the craziest people are born) and a huge thank you goes out to all those who FOLLOW this blog...or LURK in its dark corners...or stop by for a quick peek once in a while...

Ranting, raving and contemplating on here helps keep me sane and its great to know that Im not alone in this blog box. Another choc-chip covered thank you goes out to all those who leave comments...tell their friends about something wacky they've read while they're Sleepless...or say HI on FB and Twitter. Next time my Fab Five reprimand me for being antisocial, I shall point to you all in cyberspace and say...'See? I'm hanging out with all of these awesome folks!'

The winner of the lucky draw for a complimentary copy of "Pacific Tsunami Galu Afi" is : HULALINEI. Yaaaay!

And because I'm a crazy April baby, I said what the heck and pulled out another name from the box in celebration of my birthday...and the winner of another complimentary copy is: CHELLE. Double yaaaaay!

Chelle and Hulalinei can you please email me direct at LaniWendtYoung@hotmail.com with your postal address details so i can get your books in the mail?

Thank you everyone! Looking forward to more blogger madness in May...