Sweet Talk.

Do you want cookies with that book?

Are you a blog lurker? A person who stops by for a quick read every now and then and then tip toes away without a sound?! - So am I. I frequent several different blog spots where i can read, laugh, think and go Hmmmmm... But do I click the FOLLOW button? Or announce my presence by saying 'Hi'? No. Just like in real flesh and blood life, I am an online hermit. Just keepin to myself.

Well, thats about to change. My (very bossy) teenage son JB has just finished lecturing me about being anti-social, unfriendly, mean and plain ole hermitlike. I have been sorely chastened. He has challenged me to break the silence and BE MORE FRIENDLY AND OUTGOING. Online and in life.

So here it goes. I am inviting conversation. And social interaction. (However painful it may be for me. And you) Im inviting you to :

1. Stand tall and click the FOLLOW button. So that way I'll know who you are when we're both standing in the aisle at PaknSave. And that way, I can hop on over to YOUR blog. And lurk in dark corners...

2. Say hi next time you stop by. Leave me a comment. Tell us what you love to hate. What you love to read. Whats got you staying up sleepless and cruizing the blog world?

And just to show you that Im a lovely person who is serious about being a reformed hermit - the name of every confirmed FOLLOWER of this blog will go into a draw to win a FREE copy of the book
"Pacific Tsunami - Galu Afi"

which i will personally mail out to you. Draw happens on April 31st, so you've got a few more days to get brave enough to give up your lurking ways and come in from the cold. And if the winner lives in the Land of the Long White Cloud, you can opt to get couriered to your door - 2 dozen of my very super yummiest homemade Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies INSTEAD of a book. (Oooh thats a tough choice. I just might have to go for the cookies. Cant eat a book with a glass of milk at 2am. When you're up late. Blogging. Or lurking.)

Read about the book 'Pacific Tsunami Galu Afi' here: http://samoacoconutqueen.blogspot.com/