What's in a name?

So Im faced with a conundrum. Of existential proportions:Im still sleepless but now i live in Auckland. So technically, 'Sleepless in Samoa' is a big fat lie. Hmmm what to name my blog? Im looking around for inspiration. There's so many clever names out there. Like 'Faikakala..you know you are!' (love that one.) And 'Kuaback'...and 'Jandal Prints' is just so creative...and I want to be a'Crazy Islander on the Loose'...and i just dont know what to rename this blog. I skim through it and i have to say, it defies classification. I rant a lot about motherhood. I dog on my children a lot. ( I hope they dont hate me for it when they grow up.) I reminesce(SP) about the past and complain about the present. There's recipes for lazy cooks like me. Not much political discussion or any intellectual debate on here so we can eliminate any blog titles that allude to 'deep and meaningful theory.' And now of course this blog is going to be consumed with TONS of raving about what I love and hate about NZ, as well as things i miss and DONT miss about home...

Still no closer to a new blog name. You're stuck with Sleepless for now...Im tired and need a nap.