I am currently working on a book. Its a thriller/romance set in Samoa with overtones of supernatural weirdness. Writing a book is VERY hard work - especially when you're trying to put the male lead into words. One finds one's self searching for inspiration everywhere...considering the finer merits of various specimens - like
This one.
And a bit of this one.
Maybe some of this one.
But then theres always some of this example.
And of course there's always a sprinkle of this.
But i gotta say, the BEST inspiration for romantic male leads has got to be this guy...the one I wake up with every morning...when i can catch him, that is - as he runs past...
And runs past again...
Yep, even with his eyes shut, the man is TOTAL romantic male lead material.
Which is probably why I married him seventeen years ago.
Now thats enough cotton candy procrastinating. I've got to get back to work. Or else this romance thriller novel will forever remain a figment of my imagination.