New pictures of Emma Watson in all the Harry Potter movies thanks to Oclumencia

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2

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More to come.

New pictures of Emma Watson at the Deathly Hallows 2 New York after-party

Credit: Flickr

Thanks to wow for the heads-up

Vote and be in to Win SIXTEEN different E-books.

Quick Update for Blogger Friends: TELESA is entered in a pretty cool cover art contest over on author Shannon Mayer's blog, Wringing out Words.  Shannon is the author of the Nevermore Series, which totally made me overcome my dislike for all things zombie as she gave a unique and creative twist to a classic love story AND introduced the nevermore drug which makes it possible for people to eat whatever they want and never gain weight. ( I want some of that...)

Shannon's cover art contest features sixteen different books. Voting closes at midnight. There's some fantastic incentive to vote because all participants are entered in the draw to win SIXTEEN different e-books, including Shannon's newest release, Dark Waters. The winning bookcover will be featured on 16 different websites/blogs.

I love the Telesa Amazon cover which was designed by Tirzah, who blogs and designs over at A Clever Whatever.  Thank you Tirzah!

If you would like to vote, please hurry on over to Shannon's blog and check out the 16 stunning covers on offer. Remember, you can vote anonymously, but for your vote to count, you need to leave your email address.
December Book Cover Art Contest

A huge thank you to everyone who's already voted. And huge appreciation to Shannon for organizing the contest which helps all of us find new readers...and helps to showcase some amazing cover designers as well.


Telesa Reader Photo Hall of Fame - Are you there?

Last day of 2011...and what a year! A huge thank you to all the family, friends, blog followers, tweeps, Facebook team and book readers who have enthusiastically supported my writing efforts this year and helped give my Telesa dreams wings to fly. Three months after its release and Telesa is ranked number one on Amazon's Top Rated Fantasy Romance List and we are now in the second print run of the book here in New Zealand and the Pacific. Huge love for Telesa Readers worldwide! Are you one of them? Send in YOUR photo and be added to the Telesa Team slideshow that will be a regular feature on this blog.
 Malaki Sefo, Jade Leota, Natasha Fabricius, Francois Martel, Samoa
                                Ezra Taylor, the cover model for Daniel, NZ
                             Isabella Rasch, RLS School, Samoa.
         Lylah Tupou in Wellington, peruses her mum Sina's copy.
         Jolivette Ete (former Miss Samoa) and Nathan Keil, Apia.
                          Reenie, USA.
  Leone Samu, Samoa - REALLY getting into the Telesa spirit. Check out her abs!
   Fiona Wendt, Auck. One of very first to get her NZ print copy.
                        Marya shows off her e-copy!
                                 Tupu, NZ keeps her copy close.
Kathy Arp and Kristin Tauiliili were the gatekeepers for LOTS of Telesa books. Samoa.
               NZ MP Su'a William Sio, Auck.
               Aleya Perese, NZ - future Telesa reader!
         Young Telesa readers getting their books signed. Samoa
                       Mr Tiatia, Principal of Ah Mu Academy, Samoa.
Marita Wendt, Plantation House and Fiona Wendt. NZ
Telesa bookmarks, an essential companion for your print copy.
Beautiful readers in Auckland, NZ. 
Members of the Auck Univ of Technology Board of Trustees.
Just had to include this one. (By popular demand.) Ezra Taylor, now signed with Worcester Warriors Rugby Club. England.
Jenn Meredith, (the amazing Kuaback Blogger) from Hawaii.
Classmate from my long ago Younger days, Penelope Tevita and her family.
Taiai, Luke and Morwenna. Samoa
Filoi Vaila'au and Laureen Tia, NZ
We've got our copies!
So do we.
And I'm just happy that people aren't throwing stones at me because of this book! yay...

Happy New Year everyone. May 2012 be a year of exciting challenges, new adventures and LOTS of writing and reading!

              Dare to Dream. Dare to follow your heart no matter how fiery the path may be.